altering the extension phase


Most two-weave patterns of the North American Net family are easy to extend. However, many higher order patterns in which the two-weave sequence has been iterated a number of times, will tend to collapse in the center. To help open up the design and reveal its inner complexity i encourage my students to use a long thin string combined with one of three alternative endings: the Power Lift, the Two Diamonds Ending, or the Caroline Extension.

Power Lift

There are several good illustrations of this move in my first article (Murphy 1997:64-65). Here’s how to apply it to a North American Net figure:

Transfer each index loop to the thumb, inserting the thumb from below.
Gently withdraw the little finger from its loop and reinsert it from the opposite side. The figure now lays flat between your hands.
With each thumb pick up the near little finger string.
Pass the index and middle fingers toward you over both strings of the upper thumb loop and pinch between them the lower near thumb string, then wrap the string around the tip of the index by rotating the pair away from you and up.
To expand the central design, separate the indices and little fingers as far as possible and push the thumbs toward the center of the figure (two ringlets tightly encircle each thumb). See fig. 32.

Two Diamonds Ending

After Cleaning the Top and extending the figure, straighten each little finger and bring it towards you, under the index loop. Transfer the little finger loop to the thumb, inserting the thumb from below.
Transfer the index loop to the little finger, inserting the little finger from above (this inverts the loop).
Transfer the thumb loop to the index finger, inserting the index finger from below. The figure now lays flat between your hands.
Now do movements three, four, five, and six of Jayne’s ‘Osage Two Diamonds’ (1962:28-30). These steps are also illustrated in my first article (Murphy 1997:58, fig. 1, illustrations D through L). The extension is on thumbs and indices, with palms facing away from you (fig. 33).

Caroline Extension

After Cleaning the Top and extending the figure, pass each thumb away from you, under the index loop, and pick up the near little finger string and the far index string; Release the index loops.
Gently release each little finger loop and reinsert the little finger from the opposite side.
With the tip of each index pick up the far thumb string, but as you return press the thumb against the first joint of your index finger to keep the string you just retrieved from slipping. Extend with palms facing away from you (fig. 34).

Two Diamonds Ending plus Power Lift:

After completing the Two Diamonds Ending, transfer the thumb loop to the little finger by passing each little finger under the index loop, picking up the near thumb string, and releasing the thumb loop.
Transfer the index loop to the thumb, inserting the thumb from below. The figure now lays flat between your hands.
Finish by doing the last three moves of the Power Lift (fig. 35).

things to consider

note that you should be becoming more adept at considering new ways of using the methods you are now practicing. later lessons will add many more to your repertoire.

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