loop passing logic changes
I Pass little finger loop up through lower index loop, then away, and reset the loop on the little finger.
II Pass little finger loop up through lower index loop, then toward you, then away under lower index loop, and reset.
III Pass little finger loop up through upper index loop, then away, and reset.
IV Pass little finger loop up through upper index loop, then toward you, then away from you between the upper and lower index loops, then reset.
V Pass little finger loop up through both index loops, then away, and reset.
VI Pass little finger loop up through both index loops, then toward you, then away under both index loops and reset.
VII Pass little finger loop toward you under the index loops, then down through the lower index loop, then away, and reset.
VIII Pass little finger loop down through lower index loop, then away and reset.
IX Pass little finger loop toward you between the upper and lower index loops, then down through upper index loop, then away, and reset.
X Pass little finger loop down through upper index loop, then away, and reset.
XI Pass little finger loop under both index loops, then up in front of them, then down through them, and reset.
XII Pass little finger loop over both index loops, down through them, then away, and reset.
XIII Pass little finger loop under both index loops, then away between them, and reset.
XIV Pass little finger loop toward you between both index loops, then under them and away from you, and reset.
XV Pass little finger loop toward you over both index loops, then away from you between them, and reset.
XVI Pass little finger loop toward you between both index loops, then over them and away from you, and reset.
XVII Pass little finger loop under both index loops, then up in front of them, then over them, and reset.
XVIII Pass little finger loop over both index loops, then down in front of them, then under them, and reset.
XIX Figure 8: Pass little finger loop toward you between both index loops, then up and over the upper index loop, then down and toward you between both loops, then down and under the lower index loop, away from you, and reset.
XX Reverse Figure 8: Pass little finger loop toward you between both index loops, then down and under the lower index loop, then up and toward you between both loops, then up and over the upper index loop, away from you, and reset.
things to consider
you may have your own ideas about how to alter the loom to form new logic systems. you should try new things for yourself, but i caution you to make sure you take notes as you do so you will be able to recapture any new figure you find. with all these complexities it is easy to forget an essential detail and not be able to re-make a fantastic figure you discover for yourself.
when you wish to try new figures in a new logic system or using a new loom, you might wish to try some of the advanced techniques I outlined in earlier lessons.