5 loop 2 color 12-19-98
this is a full shot under tension
this is relaxed, note the integrity of the shape
you might take note of faux white bottom transverse. one tends to see the figure framed in white which is not what the geometry would say. the top transverse is white, the bottom black. the circle of string is actually 10 equal bands of alternating color (WBWBWBWBWB) white on top and black on bottom.
another 5 loop pattern, but this time with a string of a single color.
5 loop interchange centrals 1
expanding on the four loop interchange of centers, try the following
5 loop ldna
now the analogous interchange of centrals
index +1/2 to top of middle
ring +1/2 to index (over lower middle loop)
top of middle to ring
all the above is done 4 times
5 loop inuit plus power lift
another 5 loop variant
under tension
relaxed center
closer view of figure under tension